warm care

just came back frm holiday at hmtwn recently....thanks a lot for my cousin who fetch me go here n there...my fren who take time come out with me.....this journey go back i did visit my love new house since moved in july where he is the 1st person i go see when i stepped out frm airport

while at hmtwn i did receive a lot of care frm family although mum them dont knw wat happen to me but they seem silence support me frm the back...pray for me etc...i even receive a text msg frm pal frm US where suddenly send me a msg to encourage me....really amazing, santa told him as he told me....waoh....

although nw back frm work i did rev some warm care frm coll which i think somehow they wish me more happy to face my life....(my thought only).....but anyway thanks them a lot.....

i think life should goes on although how sad u are.....

I want to be happy go luck again...no more sorrow, no more sadness...pray hard for it....

Wai will be back again soon....

to be continue...

god bless,