
today is seem that this week is the harderst week since i get into my new job here.....seem a lot of thing happened which i dont know how to responed toward really playful no matter where you are.....

for my situation word only can say "patient" (sabar)....this word really need to fully study and understand it will bring a lot of benefit when u get know how to use it wisely in ur life......for me i think sometime i lack of this.....really lack of it coz i feel i easy get tease by ppl using this tactic and get trapped into it.....sometime really hate those situation that really make u frusrated and need to be patient to some people....i always be say the stupid person who always get ppl take granted....and involve or become victim of those unwanted situation...izit my own problem cause it???.....i also dont knw...if u got ans pls do tell me i dont mind and i will accept it.....really hate being like this and face this situation....

2more week come to chinese new year already....this year seem dint c happening for this festive season....mayb it the crisis economy many ppl need to be save so shop also can see some people busy buying good for house.......u can see at the fashion shop most of the color of the clothes are in red color.....

this post it late be post since i late edit

wish ppl out there happy new year...

god bless