Turn Off Your Bulb

Today our local time 8.30pm local time we will turn off our light bulb where to create awareness to protect our world from global warming.Are you going to support?

Only now i realize when stay at the biggest city, here never have shortage power supply. I think 365days it only have one day maybe just few minutes of shortage power supply.

I still remember when i was a young staying in a small town. it always have shortage of power supplier where in one week at least will have once turn off light activities which some villages in the city will out of power supplier at least 2hrs above. Furthermore the off power supply also will be noticed through our local newspaper where to inform those people who live in their village when and what time their place will be off power. I think in our small city this off light activities has been practicing since many many year ago.

So when later turn off the light on 8.30pm for an hour, it seem like become a memorable moment where can feel back the moment at hometown beside as a support to create awareness of the illness of our mother-earth.

Lets join together all of us to support no only say but in action.

God bless,